Chapter 1 : A brief introduction from geometric perspective



§1 Lie groups as manifolds

1.1 Endowed structures


Definition : A Lie Group is a $C^{\infty}$ manifold which is endowed with a group structure such that the two group operations,
$\mu: G\times G\to G$, $\mu(g_{1},g_{2})=g_{1}\cdot g_{2}$
and inverse
$\tau: G\to G$, $\tau(g)=g^{-1}$
are both $C^{\infty}$.


Definition : If $G$ is a Lie Group, any element $g\in G$ defines maps $L_{g}:G\to G$ and $R_{g}:G\to G$, called left translation and right translation, respectively by
$L_{g}(h)=g\cdot h$ and $R_{g}(h)=h\cdot g$
for each $h\in G$.

注意求逆运算 $\tau$ 也是一个微分同胚映射,且这三者具有关系:$L_{g}=\tau\circ R_{g}^{-1}\circ\tau$。



1.2 Examples

可以参考 Wikipedia 上的 Table of Lie groups | 本地镜像

§2 Lie algebras as sets of vector fields

2.1 Left-invariant vector fields


Definition : If $G$ is a Lie Group, any element $g\in G$ defines maps $L_{g}:G\to G$ and $R_{g}:G\to G$, called left translation and right translation, respectively by
$L_{g}(h)=g\cdot h$ and $R_{g}(h)=h\cdot g$
for each $h\in G$.

2.2 The Lie algebra of a Lie group

2.3 Maurer-Cartan’s structure equation

§3 Exponential mapping unto flows

3.1 One-parameter subgroups of Lie groups

3.2 One-parameter groups of transformations generated by vector fields

3.3 The exponential mapping & some calculations

§4 Action of Lie groups on other manifolds

4.1 Definitions

4.2 Orbits and stabilizers

4.3 Homogeneous spaces and examples